Computing & Printing

Resources available at Zuhl and Branson Libraries
- Laptop or Chromebook Loans: Available for checkout from the Service Desks for NMSU students.
- Computer Workstations: More than 100 computers are accessible with your NMSU login or as a guest.
- Wireless Access: Available via AggieAir for NMSU affiliates and AggieGuest for non-NMSU affiliates (limited access).
- Specialized Equipment: Calculators, headphones, charging cables, and DVD/Blu-ray players can be checked out from the Service Desks. Mobile Device Charging Tables are located on the first floor of both Zuhl and Branson.
- Microform Readers: Only located on the 1st floor of Branson Library with self-service printing of microform image at 10 cents a page with a library copy card or cash; free if saved to your USB drive or emailed to yourself.
Printers, Copiers, and Scanners
Located on the 1st floor of both libraries:
- Printers: Self-service printing, 10 cents a page with a library copy card or cash. Zuhl also houses Aggie Print Station printers to use if you have credit on your Aggie Print account. Service Desk printing, 12 cents for Black and White and 50 cents for color.
- Copiers: Self-service copying, 10 cents a page with a library copy card or cash. Service Desk copies, 12 cents for Black and White and 50 cents for color.
- Scanners: Self-service scanning is free if scans are saved to your USB drive or emailed.
Additional Resources
Provided at the Service Desks. For prices on these services, see our List of Library Fees & Charges.
- Print collating and stapling options
- Lamination and transparencies
- Image re-sizing
- Faxing
- Test Scantrons and Blue Books
- Resume Paper